Monday, March 9, 2009

Chp 8 Assessing Your Progress

The chapter of the Service Learning text which describe the steps in assessing the project by means of a progress report was insightful. As I was reading the chapter, I in a way wished that the information being provided was known a week ago.

The progress report sounds more like a summarized memo-formatted proposal. The only difference is that it documents changes in the time-frame of the project and any new outcomes that may have surfaced during the overall implementing of the project itself.

I found it interesting how the chapter brought up the problem with writing in an active style versus passive. This makes sense in trying to convince the agency that the progress is going as planned even if certain deadlines have changed. Writing actively just creates that sense of assurance that the proposed project will be completed on time with a sustainable final product.

As with all the other chapters of the book, I did find it extremely time consuming to read and digest. This is due to the overall length of not only chapter 8, but all the other chapters as well. I feel that it is ironic how the book tells of how to keep the length of proposals, memos, and such to a minimum so as not to lose the audience's attention but the book has chapters which goes on forever. Makes it difficult while learning how to successfully administer a group service-learning project while juggling the actual class along with other classes.

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